Artist Jon Rafman curates the strange and the beautiful in his ongoing project 9 Eyes. Utilising the omnipotence of Google Street View's all-seeing 9 cameras he scours, selects and posts unexpected moments captured during the mapping process. Seemingly drawn to the sublime and surreal in nature, and the ridiculous, vulnerable and rogue aspects of human behaviour, the images contradict and overturn the rational and ordered view of the world Street View works to project. Tigers prowl the urban jungle and butterflies flit before the lens, a man lies dead in the road, prostitutes tout for business and suspects are lined up against a wall.
It's only 5 years since Street View launched in the US, though it seems to have been around a lot longer, so ingrained has it become in the public subconscious. 9 Eyes is an interesting mirror held up against it - highlighting both the resistance to its creation and the global surveillance culture.
Published by: Katie in Blog, Photography